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Stop wondering how to care for your
newborn & yourself and get some real answers!

I remember what it was like as a new mom (which was 8 years ago now!)… I read so many books, articles, blog posts… anything I could get my hands on to just understand and prepare myself for what was to come.

I felt like the more information I consumed, though, the more confused (and unprepared) I felt.

I didn’t know what birth was going to be like. So I made a birth plan and hoped for the best… pretending like I understood what the heck “period cramps” meant when translated to contractions.

I didn’t know what it would be like to breastfeed (or if I’d even be able to). Only to find out it was equally harder and easier than I’d imagined… and that it’s 100% okay to mix and match feeding styles to meet your family’s preferences (no one ever talked about this in my research!).

I didn’t know anything about sleep for newborns. I had no idea how to make my baby nap, or how to get him to sleep at night. I easily spent hours googling all about newborn sleep and trying to find a magic bullet (hint: it doesn’t exist).

Everything I’d read did basically nothing to prepare me. Which meant I spent that first year with my new baby just winging it.

I guess most moms learn this way too, right? Sure. But… it got me thinking.

Why is no one talking about the real stuff
behind becoming a first time mom?

Like… what it’s really like to push a baby out of your body. Or what exactly all that pushing means for recovery. Or how many ways there are to feed your baby. Or what the heck type of sleepers you need and how many of them? Or are newborn socks really even worth buying (turns out they are!).

Eight years and three babies later, I decided I should take all I’d learned from my experiences and distill it into an easy-to-read, no-nonsense book.

The result? 8 Foolproof Tips For Parenting A Newborn

8 chapters full of real talk, truth bombs & answers to all your questions like…

Buy Now for $4.99!

This is the book I wish I’d had after having my son.

These are the tips and tricks I’ve picked up after three newborns spread over eight years.

These are the things no one is writing about on mom blogs, in parenting books, or talking about on podcasts.

But it’s the things new moms, like you, need to know. Why?


I wrote this book for you, so you can begin your path of motherhood from a place of empowerment instead of doubt & worry.

Buy Now for $4.99!

In total there are technically 21 tips, tricks, truth bombs & real bits of knowledge packed into this eBook.

Because each of the 8 chapters has 3 tips each.

So…Like in the Coming Home chapter where you learn about my foolproof strategy for handling those first few hazy days home from the hospital.

Or like in the Nap Time section where I literally break down the exact routine I used with all three of my kids to help bring some order to the (monotonous) newborn days.

Or like in the Night Wakings section where I share the ONE THING you should avoid – at all costs! – when your baby is waking at night.

I packed all my knowledge about how to make life simpler + easier while caring for a newborn as a new mom in this book. My sincere hope is this will become your reference book in those first few months after you come home with your baby.

This book will save you…

You only need one resource that covers it all. And this is it!

One last thing, before you go.
With your purchase you’ll also receive my Newborn Daytime Routine freebie.

This download has space for you to adapt the interval routine you learn about in the eBook to our own life. Which means in a matter of days you’ll have a predictable routine that works for your family (and keeps you from going crazy).

And hey, if you don’t think you need the book – I totally get it. I mean, after all, I did figure a lot of this out through years of trial & error… so you can take that same path, too. It’s a long one… but you’ll get there.


If you realize you’d rather spend that time feeling confident, prepared and maybe even browsing your fav site searching for some cute newborn clothes instead of Googling “Should I hold my baby for naps or not?” then this book is probably for you.


Buy Now for $4.99!

Whatever you decide, I know one thing’s for sure: you’re an awesome mom. And your baby is pretty adorable, too.

Be Blessed,
