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Making things happen in 2014



Remember my post about my 2014 planner, and how I was searching for just the right one even though I kind of already have a planner?

Well, in my search, I came across these things called Powersheets.

I thought the name was different and promising, so obviously I was intrigued so I clicked. And then I was curious so I purchased a set. I’m kind of a person who is a little obsessed with paper so… it wasn’t that difficult to get me to commit to buying these Powersheets. Even though I really had no idea what I was supposed to do with them when they arrived.

But then they arrived and I was pumped. So here we are!

Lara Casey – the creator of Southern Weddings – is behind the Powersheets and I gather this is her second year making and sharing them.

They kind of came at a perfect time for me. I feel like I am treading water lately. Sort of like being in a weird limbo – we’re just kind of hanging out in this apartment until our house is ready, and it feels like at that point life will actually begin again. But what do I do until then? It’s been weird, these last few weeks.

And I don’t like feeling like I’m sitting in a waiting room, with no purpose. Especially since, back in November, I made a deal with Alex about my professional future. This house we are building feels like a definitive line, being drawn in the sand – no, engraved in stone – like a starting point for some new chapter we are walking into. Like everything that’s happened prior to that moment has been practice for what lies ahead. Like we are starting something fresh and new.

I was tired of treading water. And then the Powersheets arrived.

lara casey 2014 goal setting

I got them last week and have been taking my time going through the prep work that leads up to actually using the monthly sheets. Today, I finally got to the pages where I’ll be writing out my five main 2014 goals. But, I thought I would share a little bit of my progress here since a big part of my 2014 vision is transparency and opening myself up to new experiences. And I also thought I’d share because on her blog, Lara is encouraging Powersheet users and anyone else interested to talk about what’s ahead – not only for accountability, but just to get it out there. There’s power in just giving voice to something.

Lara has shared her prep work in 6 different posts and I’ll break mine up as well. First things first – pop over to her blog and read part 1 for the 2014 goal setting ahead. Jump in with me!

lara casey 2014 goal setting

I would say 2013 was full of change, particularly at the end. The year started out chaotic, slowed down in the middle, and ended chaotically as well.

Here are a few things that “worked” in 2013. I’m just sharing a snippet of my list, so here are some highlights –


lara casey 2014 goal setting

There are always things that plain just don’t work. Here’s my abbreviated list for 2013 –


lara casey 2014 goal planning

Get visual – make a 2014 inspiration board. I put together a board on Pinterest that you’re more than welcome to follow, but you should make your own, too! I love Pinterest for this reason. The perfectionist in me probably would have never started this project if it involved having to do something on paper, for fear of not making it look good/pretty enough. Stupid, huh? Thank God for the internet 😉 You can check out my board here.

Here’s a visual, though, for the blog –

2014 inspiration board

That about wraps up Part 1. If you’re looking for a powerful tool, I really recommend checking out the Powersheets especially if you’re like me and goal setting typically does not stick. Don’t be scared off by the talk of God, if you aren’t a religious person. Seriously, these sheets are for Everyone with a capital E. Let me know if you’re trying the Powersheets out, too, or – even if you aren’t – let me know what your list looks like for what worked and what didn’t in 2013. And get on Pinterest and whip up an inspiration board! You at least owe it to yourself to dream up some amazing, beautiful things for this brand new year that’s just waiting to be lived in. Have fun 🙂




6 responses to “Making things happen in 2014”

  1. […] from yesterday’s post on making things happen in 2014, the next step is to figure out what the biggest lessons are from my lists of what worked and what […]

  2. […] Making things happen in 2014 […]

  3. […] Making Things Happen in 2014 […]

  4. […] from yesterday’s post on making things happen in 2014, the next step is to figure out what the biggest lessons are from my lists of what worked and what […]

  5. […] Making things happen in 2014 Lessons learned in 2013 […]

  6. […] Making things happen in 2014 Lessons learned in 2013 […]

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